Minggu, Desember 28, 2008
Penipuan Gaya Baru
Oh iya hampir lupa kalo sekarang aku mau bercerita tentang pengalamanku yang baru saja kualami. Kejadiannya pertengahan bulan Desember 2008 tadi. Awalnya aku kedatangan teman yang lama tidak berjumpa. Setelah lama berbincang-bincang, ia kemudian menceritakan kepadaku kalo teman kawannya (koq panjang sekali rantainya ya...) ingin menjual Laptop merk Toshiba (Toshiba Cosmio) dan HP merk Nokia (Seri E dan N) dalam jumlah banyak (Laptop 15 buah dan HP 25 biji) dengan harga murah. Menurutnya barang tersebut adalah hasil sitaan, namun kawanku sendiri belum tahu sitaan dari mana. Katanya nanti ia akan menghubungi temannya itu apakah benar berita tersebut.
Keesokan harinya dia menelpon aku ingin menanyakan apakah aku tertarik dengan barang tersebut dan katanya temannya sudah ada di rumahnya. Karena penasaran dan ingin tahu akhirnya aku mengiyakan ingin membeli barang tersebut tetapi terlebih dahulu ingin melihat kondisi barangnya. Kemudian ia menyuruh datang ke rumahnya dan bersama-sama dengan temannya ke tempat orang yang ingin menjual barang tersebut. Karena pada saat itu aku masih ada kesibukan sehingga pada saat datang ke rumahnya ternyata kawanku tadi pergi mengantar istrinya ke rumah mertuanya di luar kota dan temannya kawanku tadi sudah pulang sehingga aku hanya bisa ketemu dengan adiknya. Dari adiknya kawanku aku disuruh menghubungi teman kawanku tadi. Kemudian oleh teman kawanku tadi aku langsung disuruh berhubungan dengan orang yang ingin jual barang tersebut melalui HP.
Setelah kuhubungi orang tersebut mengaku dari POLAIRUD (Polisi Air Udara) tanpa mau menyebutkan nama dan jabatannya. Dia mengatakan bahwa barang tersebut adalah hasil sitaan dan akan dilelang. Dengan gaya bicara yang cukup meyakinkan seperti aparat kepolisian. Dia mengatakan untuk Laptop Toshiba dihargai Rp. 2.500.000,- (dua juta lima ratus ribu rupiah) dan HP Nokia RP. 1.200.000,- (satu juta dua ratus ribu rupiah) dan barangnya siap untuk dikeluarkan. Dengan menanyakan identitasku serta tempat aku berada dengan alasan untuk pembuatan surat lelang dan surat barang keluar dan juga berapa biji Laptop dan HP yang akan aku beli, ia akan menghubungi aku lagi.
Tidak berapa lama ia menelpon lagi dan mengatakan bahwa saat itu surat lelang dan surat barang ke luar lagi diproses, tapi ia mengatakan saat itu perlu pulsa dan ia juga mengatakan bahwa ia juga ingin mengasih kepala kantornya dan bagian pemegang barang agar urusan pengeluaran barang lelang cepat di proses, dan ia mengatakan bahwa pulsa tersebut nantinya dipotong dari harga pembelian Laptop dan HP tersebut karena saat itu dia tidak bisa keluar.
Dari sini sudah mulai timbul kecurigaan dari aku, belum kenal, belum pernah ketemu koq dia sudah mengajukan permintaan seperti itu. Dan kalo memang ia nggak bisa keluar koq bisa mengantarkan barang yang akan aku beli ketempatku. Setelah berdebat masalah pulsa itu akhirnya kuputuskan aku bersedia membelikan pulsa tapi barangnya datang dulu dan aku sudah melihat bagaimana kondisinya dan pulsa tersebut kuberikan sebagai bonus dan harga Laptop dan HP tidak dipotong atau tetap pada harga kesepakatan semula. Ternyata orang tersebut marah dan menutup HP nya.
Alhamdulillah aku tidak terpedaya oleh gaya bicaranya dan tergiur dengan harga yang cukup murah.
Esoknya teman yang keluar daerah mengantar istrinya itu menghubungi aku lewat SMS dan memohon maaf atas kejadian kemarin dan mengatakan bahwa dia juga tidak tahu kalo yang ingin menjual barang tersebut adalah penipu. Dan ia tidak bermaksud apa-apa terhadapku, dan ia mengatakan benar-benar tidak tahu dengan orang yang menjual barang tersebut.
Akupun tidak mempermasalahkan hal tersebut, dan itu kujadikan pengalaman yang akan selalu kukenang, karena penipuan-penipuan seperti ini sangat merugikan. Dengan berkembangnya kemajuan jaman maka penipuanpun akan bervariasi juga dan sasarannya siapapun bisa terjadi.
Jadi, janganlah tergiur dengan harga yang murah, hasil sitaan, atau apapun yang sifatnya seolah-olah sangat menguntungkan bagi kita. Teliti dulu, berpikirlah yang tenang dan jernih, jangan mengambil keputusan secara pintas. Seperti kasus yang aku alami tadi, siapa tahu itu adalah hasil kejahatan. Maka yang rugi adalah kita sendiri, kita rugi uang, tenaga, nama kita tercemar dan lebih parah lagi kitapun bisa terpenjara dan keluarga kita jadi hancur.
Banyak kasus-kasus penipuan lainnya seperti yang kita saksikan di layar televisi dengan berbagai cara dan teknik. Mungkin masih belum hilang dalam ingatan kita kasus voucher pulsa HP di Kalsel. Arisan lebaran di Jawa Barat dan sebagainya.
Dari banyaknya kasus penipuan yang terjadi mudah-mudahan membuat kita sadar dan tidak mengalami hal serupa. Kalau ada yang menawarkan sesuatu secara cepat (instant) dan mudah hendaknya diteliti terlebih dahulu, memang biasanya iming-imingnya begitu menggiurkan dan cukup menggoda kita. Namun jika hal itu selanjutnya membuat kita sengsara dan menderita. Apakah itu yang ingin kita hadapi ...? Lebih baik kita menjalani hidup sesuai aturan, biar dapat sedikit namun terus menerus dan hati kita tenang.
Kamis, Desember 04, 2008
How To Make Extra Retirement Income With a Home Business
In order to make extra retirement income
with a Internet home business you must always be selling. While there are several methods you can take to achieve your goal, many with a home business never grasp the concept of selling on the Internet.
The most common of the Internet home business is affiliate marketing. There are two vital steps that you must take if you plan on making money with affiliate marketing to start earning supplemental retirement income.
First and foremost, you must have a unique web site of your own. A replicated affiliate web site should not be your initial point of contact with your customers. If you pre-sell your products to your visitors on the features and benefits of your particular product and then offer a affiliate link for them to purchase your chances for success will increase. Remember, chances are your visitors have already seen the affiliate website you are promoting will most likely not purchase if they are immediately sent there.
Even in todays world of e-commerce people still like to buy from people.Having a website dedicated to information about the affiliate program you are promoting gives your visitors a chance to get to know you.
Your ability to relate to your visitors about the products you are offering and then pre-sell those products will have a direct effect on the income you make.
You need to promote your website
if you expect to make any money with a Internet home business. As basic as this concept seems, unbelievably, most home business will fail due to lack of quality traffic.
Getting visitors to your website is not as easy as many would have you believe, if it were everyone would be successful. The fact of the matter is you will have to develop advertising and marketing skills before you will ever make a lot of money with a Internet home business.
Before you truly become adept at the many marketing methods you could spend hundreds of hours of research and trial and error. Its important to know how to properly spend your money in order to achieve the results you are looking for.
There is so much that goes into making money with a Internet home business. Its nearly impossible to narrow it down to two specific things. However, once you create a website and then start marketing your site you will start to make money for extra retirement income.
by John McRae
Senin, November 24, 2008
Rahasia Windows XP
Mungkin itu akan keluar dari mulut kita ketika sedang bekerja dengan komputer dengan setumpuk kertas atau map atau pekerjaan itu sedang ditunggu oleh bos Anda. Komputer Anda berjalan layaknya siput atau kura-kura.
Sayapun sering merasakan hal seperti itu padahal komputer saya bukanlah komputer bekas atau komputer tua. Setelah saya bertapa dan bersemedi, tidak makan dan minum
selama 80 s (detik) akhirnya saya mendapatkan petunjuk melalui perantara guru Google dan inilah ilham yang saya dapatkan mudah-mudahan bermanfaat bagi kita semua.
Mohon maaf sebelumnya... Saya pun belum mencoba rahasia ini sampai postingan ditulis.
Petunjuk Satu (Nrimo Ing Pandum)
1. Lakukan defragmentation
2. Kalau RAM anda dibawah 512M, tambahkan RAM Memori, paling tidak 512 M, supaya
aktifitas swaping Harddisk berkurang
3. Pastikan harddisk anda diformat memakai NTFS. Mengeceknya gampang:
* Klik dobel My Computer, kemudian klik kanan drive C:
* pilih Properties, lihat di box, File Systemnya apa, FAT32 atau NTFS
* Kalau belum NTFS, cara konversinya gampang tidak usah reinstall ulang.
Caranya begini:
o Backup dulu data-data yang penting (untuk menghindari kalau terjadi
o Klik Start, Run, ketik CMD
o Pada prompt ketikkan : CONVERT C: /FS:NTFS lalu tekan tombol ENTER
o Proses akan memakan waktu beberapa saat
o Sebelum melakukan ini pastikan komputer anda bebas dari Virus
4. Matikan fasilitas File Indexing. Proses ini sering memakan waktu
Caranya gampang:
* Klik kanan drive C:
* Pilih properties
* Buang centang pada pilihan: Allow indexing service to index this disk for fast
file searching
* Apply
* proses akan memakan waktu beberapa saat
* Jika muncul Access is denied, klik Ignore
5. Jika memungkinkan, update Video driver anda dengan yang terbaru sesuai chipset
6. Sebulan sekali lakukan disk cleanup.
* klik kanan drive C:
* pilih properties
* klik tombol disk cleanup
* hapus seluruh temporary file
7. Pastikan device IDE ATA/ATAPI menggunakan DMA (Direct Memory Access), caranya:
* Masuk ke Control Panel, System, klik Hardware, Device Manager
* Klik dobel pada IDE ATA/ATAPI device, dan pastikan DMA sudah di enable baik yang
primary maupun yang secondary.Caranya:
* klik dobel pada Primary IDE channel
* klik Advance Setup
* set Transfer mode ke “DMA if available“
* lakukan pada Secondary channel
8. Buang semua spyware dari komputer. Gunakan misalnya program gratis dari Lavasoft
AdAware atau yang lain. Pastikan anda selalu mengupdate data terbaru.
9. Buang program-program dan service yang tidak terlalu penting dengan MSCONFIG.
Lihat artikel Mempercepat StartUp Windows XP
10. Uninstal program-program yang tidak terlalu penting dengan Control Panel, Add
remove Program
11. Matikan seluruh fasilitas animasi yang tidak perlu dan disable Active Desktop.
* Masuk ke Control Panel
* klik dobel System
* Klik Advance Tab
* Pada performace, Klik tombol Setting
* Kalau mau gampangnya, pilih Adjut for best performance
* Kalau ingin pilih-pilih, silakan buang centang yang tidak perlu. Tidak
usah takut, kalau salah centang tidak akan menyebabkan masalah, ini hanya
masalah responsiveness
12. Pastikan anda hanya menginstall satu program antivirus di dalam PC anda. Program
anti virus memakan resources.
13. Pastikan anda menginstal font tidak lebih dari 500 type. Semakin banyak font yang
anda install, maka komputer akan semakin lambat. Cek dari klik Start, Control
Panel lalu klik Font
14. Jangan partisi hardisk anda lebih dari 1, misalnya drive C dan D. Lebih efisien
bila anda membuat hanya 1 partisi, misalnya hardisk 80 MB, dipartisi hanya 1
untuk drive C saja.
NTFS lebih efisien bila bekerja pada sebuah partisi yang besar dari pada beberapa
partisi kecil
15. Check system RAM anda. Gunakan program MEMTEST86. Bisa di download disini. Ini
akan membuat disket bootable atau CD bootable. Lakukan test pada RAM, dan
pastikan seluruh test lulus minimal 3 pass. Jika program menemui Error, matikan
komputer dan cabut salah satu RAM (bila ada beberapa chip RAM), dan lakukan test
ulang. Bila masih terjadi error–> ganti RAM anda. Ingat RAM tidak bisa
diperbaiki, bisanya cuma dibuang aja dan diganti baru :) .
16. Pastikan CD atau DVD anda mempunyai driver terbaru. Dan jangan lupa, keluarkan CD
dari CD drive bila tidak diperlukan
17. Paling tidak setahun sekali buka komputer anda, dan bersihkan debu-debu yang ada
di dalamnya.
18. Jika dengan cara-cara ini, komputer masih lambat bin Lelet, rasanya lebih baik
kalau Windows XP nya di reinstall ulang. Sebelum reinstall, ingat-ingat: backup
data-data penting anda, driver-driver pendukung sudah siap atau belum.
Petunjuk Dua (Blog Asal2-an)
Berikut ini adalah trick2 simple untuk mempercepat windows. efektifitas trik2 ini mungkin berbeda2, tip2 berikut mungkin bisa membuat komputer anda tidak stabil. maka. PROCEED WITH CAUTION. Juga jangan lupa lakukan backup registry sebelum tweaking.
Cara Back up registry
kasih nama backup .reg anda klik ok
1. Mendisable Service Windows yg tidak diperlukan.
Karena windows ditujukan untuk berbagai user dan tugas, maka windows membuat service yg sebenarnya tidak tidak terlalu diperlukan. Service2 berikut ini seringkali memakan resouce yg tidak sedikit, dengan mendisable (me-non-aktif-kan) maka komputer kita bisa mendapatkan sedikit boost karenanya.
* Alerter
* Clipbook
* Computer Browser
* Distributed Link Tracking Client
* Fast User Switching
* Help and Support - (Jika anda mengunakan windows help, maka langkah ini diskip aja)
* Human Interface Access Devices
* Indexing Service
* IPSEC Services
* Messenger
* Netmeeting Remote Desktop Sharing
* Portable Media Serial Number
* Remote Desktop Help Session Manager
* Remote Procedure Call Locator
* Remote Registry
* Remote Registry Service
* Secondary Logon
* Routing & Remote Access
* Server
* Telnet
* TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper
* Upload Manager
* Universal Plug and Play Device Host
* Wireless Zero Configuration -(Jangan didisable jika anda mengunakan Wireless)
* Workstation
Cara mendisable service diatas:
1. Klik start>Run>ketik “services.msc”
2. Dobel klik service yg hendak diubah
3. Ubah startup type menjadi ‘Disable”
2. Matikan System restore
System restore bisa bermanfaat jika komputer bermasalah, akan tetapi semua restore point yg disimpan bisa memakan ruangan yg cukup besar di harddisk. System restore membebani karena selalu memonitor sistem, dengan mendisable system restore maka sebagian resorce bisa dialokasikan untuk hal yg lain.
1. Buka Control Panel
2. Klik Performance and Maintenance
3. Klik System
4. Klik System Restore tab
5. Klik ‘Turn off System Restore on All Drives’
6. Klik ‘Ok’
3. Defrag Pagefile
Keeping your pagefile defragmented can provide a major performance boost. One of the best ways of doing this is to creat a separate partition on your hard drive just for your page file, so that it doesn’t get impacted by normal disk usage. Another way of keeping your pagefile defragmented is to run PageDefrag. This cool little app can be used to defrag your pagefile, and can also be set to defrag the pagefile everytime your PC starts. To install:
1. Download and Run PageDefrag,
2. kasih centang pada “Defrag at next Reboot”,
3. Klik OK
4. Reboot
4. Mempercepat akses Folder - dengan mendisable Last Access Update.
Jika anda memiliki banyak folder dan subdirectories, maka akses ke Direktory2 Windows XP terasa sangat berat dan seringkali cuman membuang waktu. Dengan mengupdate time stamp di registry, yaitu last access update untuk semua sub directory. Proceed with caution: Langkah berikut bukan untuk N00bie
1. Start>Run>regedit
2. “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\C ontr ol\FileSystem”
3. Klik kanan di bagian yg kan (cari area yg kosong), lalu pilih ‘DWORD Value’
4. Bikin DWORD Value dengan nama ‘NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate’
5. Klik kanan pada value baru terus pilih ‘Modify’
6. Ubah data menjadi ‘1′
7. Klik ‘OK’
5. Me-non-aktifkan Microsoft System Sounds
Secara default MS sound systems membuat komputer berbunyi/bersuara ketika booting awal, shutdown, error, dll. Skenario suara windows jelas2 membuat komputer lebih lambat (terutama dalam waktu shutdown dan booting awal), untuk me-non-aktifkan silahkan ikuti langkah berikut:
1. Buka Control Panel
2. Klik Sounds and Audio Devices
3. Klik tab Sounds
4. Pilih “No Sounds” dari Sound Scheme
5. Klik “No”
7. Klik “Apply”
8. Klik “OK”
6. Mempercepat waktu Boot
Fitur yg lumayan asik dari Windows XP adalah kemampuan untuk mendefrag ketika ada dalam proses booting. Boot Defrag pada prinsip menata file2 yg relevan dengan booting secara berurutan. Secara default fitur ini telah diaktifkan pada beberapa Build Windows, tapi beberapa build windows tidak, ada baiknya kalo kita cross check terhadap fiotur yg satu ini.
1. Start Menu>Run
2. Regedit
3. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Dfrg\BootOpt imizeFunction
4. Cari “Enable” dibagian kanan regedit
5. Klik “Modify”
6. Pilih “Y to enable”
7. Reboot
Bootvis juga bisa dicoba, untuk memangkas waktu boot dengan manufer yg manis.
7. Mempercepat Performa Swapfile
Jika anda memiliki ram lebih besar dari 256MB bisa dibilang tweaking yg ini akan membuat sistem anda berjalan lebih cepat. Tweaking ini pada dasarnya PC kita mengunakan setiap byte dari memori fisik yg terpasang di komputer kita, SEBELUM mengunakan swap file.
1. Start>Run
2. “msconfig.exe”>ok
3. Klik tab System.ini
4. Klik tanda plus pada tab 386enh
5. Klik kotak new kemudian ketik “ConservativeSwapfileUsage=1″
6. Klik OK
7. Restart
8. Mempercepat Loading Windows Menu
Tweak ini adalah tweaking fav saya, karena akan komputer kita terasa lebih cepat. Tweaking ini membuang waktu delay ketika kita mengklik menu dan windows XP menampakkan Menu.
1. Start>Run
2. Regedit>Ok
3. “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\”
4. Pilih/Sorot “MenuShowDelay”
5. Klik kanan dan pilih “Modify’
6. Ketik angka “100″
Angka 50-150 adalah kisaran yg baik, bisa disesuaikan dengan Mood anda
9. Mempercepat Loading Program.
Tweaking ini bisa berjalan untuk sebagian besar program. Jika program tidak mau loading seperti yg diharapkan, silahkan aja dikembalikan ke setting semula.
1. Klik kanan pada icon/shortcut yg berkaitan dengan program.
2. properties
3. Pada kotak ‘target’, tambahkan ‘ /prefetch:1′ diakhir kalimat.
4. Klik “Ok”
gampang kan, Program akan loading lebih cepat.
10. Mempercepat Shutdown Windows XP.
Tweaking ini mengurangi waktu tunggu secara otomatis ketika windows sudah menerima instruksi untuk shutdown.
1. Start>Run
2. ‘Regedit’>OK
3. ‘HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\’
4. Sorot ‘WaitToKillAppTimeout’
5. Klik kanan dan pilih modify
6. Ubah value menjadi ‘1000′
7. Klik ‘OK’
8. Sorot ‘HungAppTimeout’
9. Klik kanan dan pilih modify
10. Ubah value menjadi ‘1000′
11. Klik ‘OK’
12. ‘HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop’ sorot WaitToKillAppTimeout’
13. Klik kanan dan pilih modify
15. Ubah value ke ‘1000′
16. Klik ‘OK’
17. ‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contr ol\’ sorot ‘WaitToKillServiceTimeout’
19. Klik kanan dan pilih modify
20. Ubah value menjadi ‘1000′
21. Klik ‘OK’
Tip2 berikut ini berkaitan dengan bagaimana Windows “dibebaskan” dari beban2 yg mengakibatkan sistem jadi lambat dan kurang responsifMembersihkan Prefetch File untuk meningkatkan Performa Windows.
Fitur ini cukup efisien dalam meningkatkan agresifitas windows tapi tidak perlu mengutak-utik registry. Yg diperlukan adalah mendelete isi directory/folder prefetch. Prefetch adalah directory yg berisi link2 yg kadaluarsa. Link2 yg semakin menumpuk bisa memperlambat komputer anda secara signifikan. Directory prefetch ada di c:windows/prefetch, membersihkan prefetch 2-3 minggu sekali cukuplah untuk pemakaian standar.Mendisable Prefetch untuk Sistem dengan memory yg kecil (256MB kebawah)
Jika sistem anda cuman 128MB. Windows prefetch akan melumpuhkan sistem anda karena prefetch berusaha nge-load, link2 lama dengan tujuan mempercepat komputer, tapi prefetch itu spt pedang mata dua, karena terlalu banyak yg di load justru komputer bukannya tambah cepat, tapi malahan jadi lambat. Karena sebagian besar memori idle disedot untuk hal.
Cara mendisable Prefetch
1. start>run>regedit
2. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters\EnablePrefetcher];
3. Dobel klik isi 0 untuk menDisable.
4. reboot.
Booting lebih cepat dengan mengurangi beban Font.
Setiap kali windows booting selalu melakukan loading font2 yg terdaftar di windows. Jika anda bukan desainer grafik, tentu saja ngggak semua font itu digunakan. Saran saya adalah memindahkan font2 di folder lain.
1. Bikin foler baru
2. Masuk ke “Fonts” di Control Panel.
3. Sorot group font yg akan di pindah.
4. Pindahkan ke folder yg baru, atau untuk mudahnya klik kanan lalu pindahkan ke My Documents.
5. Reboot, jika anda membutuhkan font yg telah dipindahkan tadi, caranya copy dan paste ke directory font yg lama.
Mempercepat dengan mensetting ulang Prefetcher.
Fitur ini cukup unik di Windows XP, dan jika dilakukan dengan benar hasilnya terasa sangat jozzzz, yg hendak kita lakukan adalah mensetting ulang folder cache yg ada di windows kita.
1. start>run>regedit
2. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters\EnablePrefetcher]
3. ada 3 pilihan yaitu 0-Disable, 1-App launch prefetch, 2-Boot Prefetch, 3-Both (”3″ adalah yg direkomendasikan).
4. reboot.
Setting ulang ini akan mengurangi waktu booting dan waktu yg diperlukan untuk loading program.
Tweaking memory.
Nggak cuman overclock di BIOS yg bisa mempercepat laju komputer , tapi tweaking ini nggak boleh dilewatkan. Tweaking ini disarankan bagi mereka yg memiliki kapasitas memory sebesar 512MB keatas.
1. start>run>regedit
2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Session
Manager\Memory Management
1.DisablePagingExecutive -dobel klik masukan desimal 1 -
point ini mengaakibatkan windows XP menyimpan data di memory, ketimbang mengakses page file di harddisk.
2.LargeSystemCache -dobel klik masukan desimal 1- - tweak ini
mengijinkan kernel windows jalan di memory, bener2 jozz gandhoz dan mak nyozzz kalo dilakukan dengan bener. so be careful.
Windows XP Icon Cache
Seberapa banyak diantara rekan2 yg mengalami icon lag ketika mengunakan windows? Icon2 yg ada di desktop serasa lama sekali untuk muncul. Jangan kuatir jika anda mengalami hal ini. Icon di desktop mengunakan cache, dan ketika cache sudah menumpuk maka access dari desktop ke icon terasa sangat lambat apa yg perlu dilakukan? Silahkan delet atau hapus Iconchace.db yg ada di directory (/Documents) dan di (Settings/Username/Local Settings/Application Data). Ketika anda mendelete seketika itu juga windows akan bikin yg baru. dan yg pasti icon cache yg baru lebih ‘enteng’ bagi windows.
*pastikan opsi show hidden files and folder diaktifkan sebelum mendelete iconcache.db
Memaksimalkan Koneksi Internet
56K TweaksPendahuluan
Salah satu sumber frustasi penguna internet adalah lambatnya koneksi internet, spt yg anda alami koneksi internet terkadang sangat lambat. Meski tertulis 56k output sesungguhnya dari dial up internet adalah 53.3k, dan rata2 pemakai dial up memperoleh koneksi 40k-50k, cukup lumayan untuk untuk standar dial up. Dalam angka 40k-50k maka througput maksimal adalah sebesar 6k per second.Langkah-langkah
1. Download driver terbaru untuk modem anda.
2. Langkah kedua adalah “membersihkan” jalur telepon dari gangguan listrik statis, listrik statis mampu menurunkan koneksi internet secara signifikan. Dan meski melakukan tidak ada tweaking dari Windows yg bisa kita lakukan untuk mengatasi gangguan listrik statis.
3. Download cablenut
Setting TCP/IP anda dan AFD registry untuk mencapai performa maksimal.
berikut ini adalah setting untuk cable nut 56k
DefaultReceiveWindow = 8192
DefaultSendWindow = 4096
DisableAddressSharing = 1
InitialLargeBufferCount = 20
InitialMediumBufferCount = 48
InitialSmallBufferCount = 64
LargeBufferSize = 40960
MaxFastTransmit = 6400
MediumBufferSize = 15040
PriorityBoost = 0
SmallBufferSize = 1280
TransmitWorker = 32
FastSendDatagramThreshold = 1024
EnableFastRouteLookup = 1
EnablePMTUDiscovery = 1
IgnorePushBitOnReceives = 0
GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize = 8760
MaxFreeTcbs = 4000
MaxHashTableSize = 8192
MaxNormLookupMemory = 1500000
SackOpts = 1
SynAttackProtect = 1
Tcp1323Opts = 0
TcpLogLevel = 1
MaxDupAcks = 3
TcpMaxHalfOpen = 100
TcpMaxHalfOpenRetried = 80
TcpRecvSegmentSize = 1460
TcpSendSegmentSize = 1460
TcpTimedWaitDelay = 30
TcpUseRFC1122UrgentPointer = 0
TcpWindowSize = 8760
MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server = 8
MaxConnectionsPerServer = 4
DefaultTTL = 128
DisableUserTOSSetting = 0
TcpMaxDataRetransmissions = 6
DefaultTOSValue = 90
Tweak lain yg bisa dicoba,
Control panel>phone modem properties>modems>sorot modem anda>propertiesGeneral tab:
Maximum port speed – 115,200Extra Settings
Masukan extra settings sesuai kebutuhan anda, referensi website yg menyedia extra settings adalah sbb:
Advanced port settings
kasih centang “use FIFO buffers” kemudian slider barnya di geser ke paling kanan.
Ubah default preferences:
Port Speed - 115,200
Data Protocol - Standard EC
Compression - enabled
Flow Control – hardware
Data bits – 8
Parity – None
Stop Bits - 1
Modulation – Standard
Masuk ke Network and Dialup Connections dan klik kanan pada Icon ISP anda dan plilih properties
General tab:
Sorot modem dan pilih configure “configure”, pilih maximum speed 921,600 dan dan di “hardware features” pastikan semua kotak dicentang.
Networking tab:
Uninstall semua protocol yg tidak dipakai, Jika komputer anda adalah stand alone PC maka yg diperlukan adalah TCP/IP saja.
Pilih kotak settings pastikan semua kotak dicentang.
Setting COM port:
Klik kanan My Computer lalu pilih properties - hardware - device manager - pilih COM port yg dipakai - port settings - bits per second 128000.
Kamis, November 20, 2008
How to Choose the Right Web Designer
Let me start by making a few assumptions about you and your business:
- You either own or are part of a small business.
- You're not trying to do this on the cheap.
- You're looking for an experienced professional or organization. Your nephew or your neighbour's daughter isn't going to cut it.
- You care enough about your business that you're willing to invest some time and money to get the job done right the first time (see the above two points).
Regardless of whom you choose to build your website you need to have, at the very least, a defined set of goals or objectives for your website. In other words, you need to figure out what you want your website to do.
Forget about PHP, ASP, CMS or any other acronyms you've heard; the right web designer will figure all that out for you. It's your job to create the wish list from the perspective of your business. Do you want the website to help sell your products or services? Recruit new employees? Stay in touch with clients? You define the problem and we'll let the web designer propose the best solution.
(If your project is quite large you may want to write a more formal Request for Proposal document (RFP). But for the purposes of this article you're part of a small business, so let's not get mired down in RFP-land, OK?)
Armed with your high level requirements, here's how to identify the right web designer for you:
* Decide on geography.
A local designer/company will have more invested in ensuring that you're a happy customer. If things go poorly you can actually walk down the street and yell at them. That said, a web designer who has a good reputation or comes to you through a referral shouldn't be overlooked if they're not located where you are. Technology can greatly enhance communication and keep things running smoothly. Make a decision based on your own comfort level.
* Locate candidates.
This is easy thanks to the nature of web design and Google. Do a search for 'web design city' where 'city' is your city. Pay attention to two different areas of the search results: 1) the first three to five listings in the natural or 'organic' results, and 2) the top three to five paid advertisers. Create a list of between five and ten possible candidates.
* Go surfing.
Visit each candidate's website and look for the following:
Quality content. Are they interested in solving problems? Does the writing make sense to you as a consumer rather than a geek? If yes, good. Do they offer up their services in 'packages' based on number of web pages and whether you want fries or a side salad? If yes, bad. The right web designer will be someone who understands your unique issues rather than trying to jam your business into a bronze, silver or gold package.
This is not only the design of their website, but the organization. Does it make sense to you? Do you like it? Would your customers like it? The design and layout of a web designer's website is typically indicative of their 'style'.
Happy clients.
Look for testimonials, a portfolio and case studies. Do they show an aptitude at being flexible enough to work with different industries? Ideally their testimonials include full names, which means they're not trying to hide anything. Web designers without some sort of portfolio or client list are either bad or lazy; either way, they're not for you.
Contact info.
Are you forced to fill out an online form to get in contact? Is there a phone number listed? A physical address (other than a PO Box)? You'll need to speak to someone before moving forward, so be sure you can actually call and get a hold of a human being. Companies without phone numbers or addresses are typically located in a basement.
* Revise your list.
Based on your surfing adventure, choose your top three candidates.
* Call.
Ideally, don't email or fill out an online form; pick up the phone. You want to ensure that you're dealing with a professional, so call them up and see how they respond. A good web designer will get you talking about your business. They will listen to your problem, try to assess whether or not you're a good client for them, and take things to the next step, which is:
* Meet.
Assuming your candidates are all local, meet with them. Sometimes this is referred to as a Needs Analysis meeting. The goal is to give the web designer enough information to prepare a proposal for you. You'll also want to ensure that you're comfortable dealing with them, and a face-to-face meeting is the best way.
* Proposals.
Get three of them. Any fewer and you're not exploring your options, any more and you're wasting your time. Three is the magic number. Ensure that the web designer gives you the proposal within a week of your meeting.
* Assess.
Here's how to assess the proposal:
Problem solving. They need to have proposed a solution to your problem that makes sense to you and is relatively free of geek-speak.
Comprehensiveness. Did they cover off all of your issues?
Follow up. What happens when the project is over? Will they help you market it? Train you? What about on-going maintenance? Do they guarantee their work? For how long?
Ideas. A good web design company might have some really good ideas that you never considered. These can demonstrate creative, out-of-the-box thinking.
Timeline. Ensure that they tell you how long the project will take, and that you can live with that timeframe.
Budget. You don't have unlimited funds, so be sure you can live with the costs.
Your ultimate goal is to get quotes from a few web designers that you feel good about. You want to compare apples to apples, and only by going through the above process can you weed out the oranges.
Web design as an industry is still very much in its infancy, so unfortunately this is not like shopping for a car or a pair of jeans. You'll need to do a bit more homework to ensure that you find and choose the right web designer for your business. Good luck!
By : Robin Eldred
Robin Eldred is the president of Apis Design, a Calgary Web Design company. Apis specializes in strategically building and marketing eye-catching, user-focused websites. They build websites that work.
Jumat, November 14, 2008
3 Ways to Make Money With AdSense Using Viral Marketing
Most people who have more than a passing knowledge of Web 2.0 technology understand the magic of viral marketing very well. What they may not know, however, is how to harness that immense power in order to make money with AdSense. Here are some suggestions.
Use Your Email
One of the cleverest uses of viral marketing has always been the Hotmail example. Users of the free email service had messages asking recipients to sign up for accounts at hotmail. As a result, their sign-up message would be spread to millions and millions of people all around the world. The result was an increase in registered hotmail users and indisputable proof that viral marketing could be a powerful too.
If you want to make money with AdSense, you can do something similar. Create some type of site that requires registration and use this for your AdSense ads. For example, you might have people register to receive something for free, such as a newsletter subscription or a free ebook. Mention the site in the signature of every one of your emails. When people go to register, they will be on the same page as your AdSense ads. That’s one way to make money with AdSense.
Use YouTube
YouTube has become one of the biggest phenomena to hit the Internet ever. It’s also a great tool for viral marketing because those great videos can be spread and shared with millions of people quickly and easily. Plus, most people don’t consider receiving a YouTube link to be spam (since they are normally sent by people who know them) so it’s more likely to be viewed than other types of links.
To make money with AdSense this way, create a fun and creative video that is going to capture the attention of your audience but which may also be relevant to whatever your site is about. Put the spot on YouTube and incorporate your URL into the clip with a message such as “To see more” or “For more information on this clip.”
Use Your Friends
Social networking has also really taken off in recent years. If you want to make money with AdSense, you can use this trend to your benefit as well. Most social networking sites have a way of compiling your friends. While some of these people may be legitimate acquaintances, the rest probably are not.
Put together some type of email message that would be appealing to a large number of the friends. Maybe the email could direct them to a fun site full of quizzes or movie trivia. Then you have that material on your website along with your AdSense ads. As a result, your site gets more traffic and many of those visitors will be likely to click on the ads to earn you revenue.
Other Tips
No matter which of the viral marketing idea you use above to make money with AdSense, be sure to test it carefully first to make sure it will work as you desire.
by : Alan Lim
Kamis, November 13, 2008
How To Consistently Write Blog Entries ?
Let’s get into it! Shall we? (If you already have a blog with a specific theme then you can skip this part about coming up with the general subject of your blog.) If you’re like me, then you like ’stuff’. Whatever that ’stuff’ happens to be, whether it’s current events, politics, American Idol, pop culture, movies and music, etc. As for me, my main interests are in internet marketing, photography, graphic design, computers and internet, and much more. First thing to do is to find your niche. Think about what you like or know the most about and then start by writing those things down. This is will be our first little brainstorming session. Once you have at least a dozen of ideas written down on that list. Off that list, pick one that you know the most about. That’s what your first blog will be about.
After setting up your blog with a blogging service such as Wordpress or Blogger, then write your first post immediately to just let people know about your blog and what it’s going to be about. Now here comes the easy part. You have at least a couple of options, write the blog posts yourself or hire someone to write them for you. If you choose to outsource the writing expect to pay between $5 and $10 per article. Some will let you order just one at a time but it would be better to order 10 - 15 articles right from the get go. That way you have enough to get a jump start on your blog. Also, freelance writers would rather write them in bulk. As far as writing the articles yourself, I suggest a second brainstorming session. Typically, I come up with the titles of the articles first and try to think of a clever and catchy line for the title. Then just start organizing an outline of what those article titles could be about. Just start writing. It’s not so bad and you’ll get the hang of it. I simply prefer using both methods listed above for content. I will usually write my own articles but if I don’t have enough time during the day then I’ll hire someone else to write them and I’ll always have a few extra articles on hand that I can post when I need to.
by Curtis Armstrong
Curtis Armstrong is an entrepreneur and internet marketer. He has started multiple online companies. Background in graphic design. http://Logohead.biz is one of his companies. Curtis is currently working as an internet business coach. Curtis blogs at http://www.industrialstrengthinternetmarketing.com
Kamis, Oktober 30, 2008
Objects of Knowledge
One should not be concerned with the refutation of idealism. The development of a coherent realistic system is of far more value, even from an argumentative point of view, than a continuation of the more or less dialectical struggle between idealism and realism. The strength of idealism has always lain more in the weakness of past realisms than in its own plausibility.
Many will be compelled to make many distinctions to meet the complexities of actual knowing, even going as far as to make a petition. There are different kinds of objects of knowledge and, corresponding to them, different kinds of knowing. One should indicate the status of these various classes of objects and adopt a terminology which will make their epistemological ordering clear.
The basic principle will be that an entity is made an object by the knower, that it is not an object in its own right. It is, however, an existent of its own peculiar kind in its own right. Being known, that is, being an object happens to entities and does not affect them, for it is a function of the knower.
Now there are different kinds of entities, and these are known differently according to their status. One large class can be given in consciousness and to awareness, while physical things cannot be so given. The chief epistemological puzzle has been with physical things which cannot be given to awareness and which yet are known and are, therefore, objects of knowledge.
In introspection, on the contrary, we note psychical contents while, in reflective thought, we examine entities such as mathematical characters and relations. It is becoming customary to speak of this latter class of entities as subsistent. It seems clear that we experience them, or they are given to inspection, in a way that does not hold of physical things.
At this point, we shall content ourselves with calling attention to the fact that it is generally admitted that it is only for physical objects that a casual rela¬tion is implied in the possession of knowledge. In the major part of this chapter, we shall concern ourselves with physical things as objects of knowledge.
Common sense view of knowledge—at the stage of common sense, knowledge is on the whole regarded as an intuition by the percipient of the things about him. He is aware of them; they are open to his inspection; they enter and pass from his field of experience. These given objects are regarded as things independent of this awareness. They are thought of as relatively permanent and executive. They are co-real with him, the organic individual who perceives them. It is within this setting and in relation to these meanings that the idea of knowledge is formed.
This structure of the field of experience, this sense of intuition and these realistic meanings are not mere accidents. They have their import and deep-lying causes. If physical realism is correct and there are physical existents affecting the percipient organism, we can readily understand why these realistic meanings have developed within experience.
Realism and realistic meanings imply each other. Modern psychology works on this assumption and is increasingly correlating mental processes with the adaptive behavior of the organism. For instance, the unit of psychophysics is the sensory-motor arc. What critical realism seeks to do is patiently and persistently to develop an idea of knowledge which fits in with the obvious position and circumstances of human beings, regardless of what online petitions are being formed (http://www.thepetitionsite.com/politics).
It seems therefore, the best policy to see what the plain man instinctively takes knowledge to be. We can then go on to modify it and improve it as a wider reflection demands. Logic and psychology can be called to our aid in this task of interpretation and refinement.
The assumption that knowledge is an awareness of objects independent of this awareness is an inevitable reflection of the structure of the individual's field of experience.
Author by : Sarah Martin
Sarah Martin is a freelance marketing writer based out of San Diego, California. She specializes in philosophy and cultural issues. To learn how to make a petition or to browse online petitions, please visit http://www.thepetitionsite.com
Senin, Juli 28, 2008
Speedy Kembali Mengadakan Kompetisi Blogger
- Tingkat SMP
- Tingkat SMU
- Tingkat Umum
Sedangkan kategori yang diperebutkan adalah :
- Blog Terbaik
- Blog Favorite
Tema yang diperlombakan adalah “100 TAHUN KEBANGKITAN NASIONAL”
Sedangkan kriteria penilaian adalah sebagai berikut :
- Kesesuaian dgn tema (20%)
- Desain (15%)
- Aktivitas update (25%)
- Konten tulisan (40%)
- Bonus nilai (10%) jika blog dibuat di blog2.plasa.com.
Tim Penilai adalah dari Praktisi blogging Kalimantan, TELKOM dan netter sedangkan untuk Blog favorit dipilih via Polling web dan SMS Flexi 7006
Waktu pendaftaran : s/d 31 Juli 2008, penilaian: Agustus 2008.
Hadiah kompetisi tingkat Kalimantan:
(1) Terbaik 1: Akses Speedy personal gratis 1 tahun + modem
(2) Terbaik 2: Akses Speedy personal gratis 1 tahun
(3) Terbaik 3: Akses Speedy personal gratis 6 bulan
(4) Favorit: Akses Speedy personal gratis 6 bulan
Jadi tunggu apalagi daftarkan sekarang juga blog anda di [SINI]